actually, there's no such village..our 'village' was actually a part of kg.libang/tudangan..but we loved to say that we're from kg.layo-layo..a peaceful- five houses resident, surrounded by paddy fields..with no electricity of gravity water...we rely on the 'nyonya lamp', the lamp which had a picture of a sexy chinese lady on the side, and the natural water source we called the 'salut'...
our houses were only minutes away from one would take less than a minute if one could run fast- like my friend, gidah ..understandably though, cause she's the school sportsgirl of many years, during primary school..
she has an elder sister, a pretty, tall girl- sahinie..though she's not always around cause she lives with her adoptive parents in a big house at Kg. bahab..
then there was the younger sister, inuk- i bit her on the head once..of all the places i could bite, i choose to bite her on the head..i couldn't understand why i did it, even now..she's the one who forgives me the quickest..i'd bully her then a few minutes later she'd forgive me and we'd play again as if nothing ever happened..
dayang came in a bit late...then there's gijam and ajili..the two boys, who used to run to the only shop in kg.libang then- to buy me 'ladies pads'..and a few more sisters after that, which i didn't really get close to, due to the age difference..
rouji was gidah's cousin..and then his brother- what's his name..? i forgot, though i could remember his face,..just kidding- roumeh..see, i still remembers..
gidah had another cousin, a boy..i truly forgot his name..but his brother was kaharin..
then linda, who's house was at the farthest from my house..she swallowed a medicine cap once and lived to tell about it, thank god..her sister, utung..well, she had a 'little' incident with her cousin, piluk that ended her at the emergency room..they ate the 'turtle tree' fruits, which they adamantly told us, 'buah langsat'..and then there was ilis, their brother, whom i once sang a lullaby to, and he went to sleep..followed by dugou- a joy to have around cause she'd always do what i told, so i could be the boss..bulin, buyep, joboi, uncle atim surely was productive..yes, they're my cousin, but no...none of them had fought with me using an axe..
the only girl who could fight with me tooth and nails- was inggiew, and she has an older brother, tony, a fact which i really envied cause i have no brother of my own, and the one thing that i think gave her the confident to face off with me- she had a brother to watch her back..her sister, uteg, was the gentler one, probably because inggiew- though being the first girl didn't really act like a 'girl', so she took over..then a string of boys followed-piluk, ulou, unsab, before two girls- angul and orot..i guess inggiew and me didn't hv time to resume our 'axe battle' because they moved away sometime during the late 80's..
and these were all the children of our precious kg.layo layo..
i sure hope i didn't miss anyone...did i..??
our houses were only minutes away from one would take less than a minute if one could run fast- like my friend, gidah ..understandably though, cause she's the school sportsgirl of many years, during primary school..
she has an elder sister, a pretty, tall girl- sahinie..though she's not always around cause she lives with her adoptive parents in a big house at Kg. bahab..
then there was the younger sister, inuk- i bit her on the head once..of all the places i could bite, i choose to bite her on the head..i couldn't understand why i did it, even now..she's the one who forgives me the quickest..i'd bully her then a few minutes later she'd forgive me and we'd play again as if nothing ever happened..
dayang came in a bit late...then there's gijam and ajili..the two boys, who used to run to the only shop in kg.libang then- to buy me 'ladies pads'..and a few more sisters after that, which i didn't really get close to, due to the age difference..
rouji was gidah's cousin..and then his brother- what's his name..? i forgot, though i could remember his face,..just kidding- roumeh..see, i still remembers..
gidah had another cousin, a boy..i truly forgot his name..but his brother was kaharin..
then linda, who's house was at the farthest from my house..she swallowed a medicine cap once and lived to tell about it, thank god..her sister, utung..well, she had a 'little' incident with her cousin, piluk that ended her at the emergency room..they ate the 'turtle tree' fruits, which they adamantly told us, 'buah langsat'..and then there was ilis, their brother, whom i once sang a lullaby to, and he went to sleep..followed by dugou- a joy to have around cause she'd always do what i told, so i could be the boss..bulin, buyep, joboi, uncle atim surely was productive..yes, they're my cousin, but no...none of them had fought with me using an axe..
the only girl who could fight with me tooth and nails- was inggiew, and she has an older brother, tony, a fact which i really envied cause i have no brother of my own, and the one thing that i think gave her the confident to face off with me- she had a brother to watch her back..her sister, uteg, was the gentler one, probably because inggiew- though being the first girl didn't really act like a 'girl', so she took over..then a string of boys followed-piluk, ulou, unsab, before two girls- angul and orot..i guess inggiew and me didn't hv time to resume our 'axe battle' because they moved away sometime during the late 80's..
and these were all the children of our precious kg.layo layo..
i sure hope i didn't miss anyone...did i..??